Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mike's Beer of the Week

Beer Information
Brewery: The Alchemist Pub and Brewery
Beer Name: Heretic
Beer Style: Barleywine
Abv.: 9.99%
Serving Glassware: Snifter, Pint
Serving Temp.: 50-55 deg. F.
Packaging: 22oz bottles
Price: $15
Availability: One-time release (700 bottles)
Pairings: Dessert (Chocolates, Brownies)

Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade/Rate: A-/4.03
Appearance: 3.5
Aroma: 4.5
Taste: 4
Mouthfeel: 3.5
Drinkability: 4
BeerAdvocate Avg. Rate: B+/3.80

Mike's Description
1 out of 700 bottles sold at the Alchemist. I am extremely happy that I and my girlfriend were each able to obtain one. The alchemist pub was flooded and only this beer and an imperial stout were saved and bottled.

Appearance - Listed as a DIPA on the bottle, but as a barleywine on BeerAdvocate. I'm gonna have to agree with BA in terms of appearance. Brownish/amber beer with an off-white head...much too dark to be any DIPA that I've ever seen and pretty characteristic of a barleywine. Some lace present on the alchemist glass.

Aroma - Very hoppy as assumed, but has an almost overwhelming malt profile to balance out the bitterness and add some surplus sweetness.

Taste - The hops are there, but again the strong malt presence takes over. Some darker fruits are here such as plum, raisin, and faint hints of grape. Due to the sweet character, some licorice and fig comes through too.

Mouthfeel - Almost no lasting hop bitterness, which is distinct in my barleywine experience. Not too much to elaborate on here minus the obvious lingering sweetness.

Drinkability - Overall a decent barleywine and a horrible DIPA :D. Presents all of the basic elements of a barleywine and lacks all the facets of a DIPA that hop-heads desire. Very happy that I was able to try it, but I'm only happy I spent the $15 on it in order to support the Alchemist.

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