Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mike's Beer of the Week

Beer Information
Brewery: Sierra Nevada / Dogfish Head
Beer Name: Life and Limb
Beer Style: American Strong Ale
Abv.: 10.2%
Serving Glassware: Snifter, Pint
Serving Temp.: 50-55 deg. F.
Packaging: 22oz bottles
Price: ~$10
Availability: Seasonal
Pairings: BBQ / Teriyaki - flavored steak
Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade/Rate: C/2.88
Appearance: 2.5
Aroma: 2.5
Taste: 3
Mouthfeel: 3
Drinkability: 3
BeerAdvocate Avg. Rate: B+/3.94

Mike's Description
Appearance - Very dark brown, nearly black, beer. In large volume it's opaque, but in a lesser amount I think it's translucent. About a half inch of khaki head that dissipates quickly leaving a good amount of lace on the wine glass.

Aroma - Not too much here; only faint aromas are present such as darker fruits (grape, fig, raisin) and some licorice. Smells (and appears) as though it will lean towards the maltier side of the spectrum.

Taste - The taste is bolder and provides a little more detail than the aroma. The fruits are more pronounced and the malts nearly dominate this area. Very little hop contribution, but some piney bitterness comes through in a feeble attempt to balance this beer. Maple syrup is detectable as well.

Mouthfeel - Surprisingly the hops make a comeback and successfully balance this beer out nicely. Despite the strong malt backbone and initial lack of hops, they somehow do their job.

Drinkability - A well-balanced beer that successfully represents its style. Beyond that, however, nothing special. It's tasty, but there's not anything spectacular or unique about it. If I found it on tap I would order it to compare, but I would not buy it bottled again.

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