Sunday, November 13, 2011

Beer Information
Brewery: Long Trail Brewing Company
Beer Name: Triple Bag
Beer Style: American Strong Ale
Abv.: 9.40%
Serving Glassware: Stange, Snifter, Pint
Serving Temp.: 50-55 deg. F.
Packaging: 4-pk 12oz bottles
Availability: Brewed once (so far hopefully)
Pairings: Dessert (Chocolates, Brownies)

Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade/Rate: A-/4.03
Appearance: 3.5
Aroma: 4.5
Taste: 4
Mouthfeel: 3.5
Drinkability: 4
BeerAdvocate Avg. Rate: B+/3.79

Mike's Description
Appearance - Very dark brown beer with slight amber tones when held up to a light. Minimal head and lace. Appears as though it will live up to its 9.4 abv. and pack a punch.

Aroma - Very malt-forward aroma with no hop presence. Tons of sweet esters with dominant elements such as caramel and cherry.

Taste - Strong malt profile as suggested by the aroma that contains sweeter ingredients such as the caramel and cherry mentioned before at the flavor-forefront followed by hints of blueberry, chocolate, coffee, heath bar, plum, and slight grape and apple notes.

Mouthfeel - The powerful and sweet caramel character lives on after the initial sip and compliments this full-bodied and strong-flavored beer. Some cinnamon resides in the aftertaste.

Drinkability - If you're at the less popular end of the beer-spectrum (opposite the hop-heads) and looking for a malt-bomb, this beer will be a rare treat. This is probably the maltly equivalent of the hop-bomb, Hop Stoopid, by Lagunitas. This beer has tons of flavor and alcohol that will satisfy all wants/needs of someone looking for a sweeter one-and-done beer.

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