Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mike's Beer of the Week

Beer Information
Brewery: Avery Brewing Company
Beer Name: The Kaiser
Beer Style: Imperial Oktoberfest
Abv.: 9.73%
Serving Glassware: Stein, Pint
Serving Temp.: 45-50 deg. F.
Packaging: 22oz bottles
Price: ~$8
Availability: Seasonal
Pairings: German (Schnitzel, Pork, Hungarian Goulash)
Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade/Rate: B+/3.90
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 3.5
Taste: 4
Mouthfeel: 4
Drinkability: 4
BeerAdvocate Avg. Rate: B+/3.80

Mike's Description
Appearance - Copper/fire-like appearance with almost no head and no lacing. Cool name for this style..."Give me a woman who loves brew and I will conquer the world". - The Kaiser

Aroma - Intense malt aromas with hints of darker fruits such as raisin and maybe some plum. Slight licorice notes come through here too.

Taste - As foreshadowed by the aroma, extremely malty - even more so than most marzens I've had. Almost no hops whatsoever leading to a complete lack of bitterness and a very sweet marzen. In addition to the fruits I mentioned, some sweeter elements are here such as cinnamon and brown sugar.

Mouthfeel - As expected, the sweet character survives for awhile after each sip. Otherwise, not much to say here.

Drinkability - This beer is a pretty good marzen altogether...if you have it as a dessert beer. It's very sweet, high in alcohol, and a large volume, so the sweet character really starts to build up after awhile. I would never want more than one of these at a time and as a result, I wouldn't choose this on a fall day because I would normally prefer a few oktoberfests at a time : D

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