Beer Information
Brewery: Maine Brewing Company
Beer Name: Mean Old Tom
Beer Style: American Stout
Abv.: 6.5%
Serving Glassware: Snifter, Tulip, Pint
Serving Temp.: 45-50 deg. F.(BeerAdvocate)
Packaging: 16.9 oz bottles
Price: ~$7
Availability: N/A
Appearance: 4.5
Aroma: 4.5
Taste: 4.5
Mouthfeel: 4.5
Drinkability: 4.5
BeerAdvocate Avg.: B
Mike's Description
Appearance -
Black coffee appearance with minimal head and no retention. With the dark color, it's hard to tell if there's any sediment, but this brew appears to be thoroughly translucent.
Aroma - Pure coffee bean aroma with some sweetness from the vanilla beans. Slight milk chocolate esters compliment the coffee character delivering for an aroma that provides as advertised.
Taste - Pretty much spot on with the aroma here...the coffee facet carries a little more load though. The vanilla beans are less noticeable, but they clearly provide that "something's missing" present in many stouts out there.
Mouthfeel - Very full bodied beer that I would have assumed to be classified as a coffee stout, but good either way. The coffee bean taste holds firm into the aftertaste.
Overall - Very good beer that delivers as promised and I'd definitely purchase it again. Even though this beer isn't classified as a coffee beer, it still might take the cake for my favorite coffee beer (even over the BBC Coffeehouse Porter).