Monday, February 20, 2012

Mike's Beer of the Week

Beer Information
Brewery: Sixpoint Brewing Company
Beer Name: Resin
Beer Style: Imperial IPA
Abv.: 9.1%
Serving Glassware: Tulip, Pint
Serving Temp.: 50-55 deg. F.
Packaging: 4-pk 12oz Cans
Price: ~$10
Availability: 1st Release
Pairings: None
Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade: C-
Appearance: 3.5
Aroma: 2.5
Taste: 3.0
Mouthfeel: 3.0
Drinkability: 2.0
BeerAdvocate Avg.: B+

Mike's Description
Appearance - Dark amber, almost red, color that isn't at all representative of the style.  About 2 fingers of off-white head that sticks around for the review.

Aroma - Not too much here, which is very surprising for an imperial ipa. Very faint floral esters and some hints of citrusy hop bitterness, not exactly intimidating despite being 103 IBUs (International Bitterness Units with anything over 90 being pretty damn hoppy)...really?

Taste - A decently balanced beer with a slightly stronger hop presence than malt contribution.  This tastes nothing like an imperial IPA and something like an amber ale (not even an imperial one).  Concerning the hops that are present, there doesn't seem to be a wide variety.  In terms of profile, there is almost no hop flavor (grapefruit, orange...etc), but only bitterness (maybe some lemon).  There seem to be more characteristics to note about the malts than the hops.  No other notable flavors.

Mouthfeel - The hop bitterness lingers for a little while, but nothing beyond this. Medium bodied beer.

Overall - If you're looking for a good imperial IPA to try, look elsewhere.  This beer is decent, but it tastes nothing like a DIPA (more along the lines of an amber as I mentioned).  I have no idea who determined the IBUs, but I highly doubt that 103 is correct.  The appearance, aroma, and taste all seem to point away from the IPA realm.  Lastly, this beer is insanely UNdrinkable at 9.1% can have one or two of these and call it a night or have a 6-pk of an actual amber ale at 5-6% abv.

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