Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mike's Beer of the Week

Beer Information
Brewery: Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
Beer Name: 30th Anniversary Jack & Ken's Ale
Beer Style: Barleywine
Abv.: 10.2%
Serving Glassware: Pint, Snifter
Serving Temp.: 50-55 deg. F. (
Packaging: 22oz bottles
Price: ~$10
Availability: Limited
Pairings: Dessert (Blueberry/Cherry Pie), Chocolate
Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade/Rate: B/3.5
Appearance: 3
Aroma: 4
Taste: 4
Mouthfeel: 3.5
Drinkability: 4
BeerAdvocate Avg. Rate: A-/4.09

Mike's Description
Appearance - Blood-red beer with 1/4" khaki-colored head. Decent retention and lace.

Aroma - Very hot with a strong malt backbone. Some chocolate comes through as well as fruit, namely raisin and some slight strawberry.

Taste - Alcohol burn is definitely felt, but the elements that were present in minute levels from the aroma are more pronounced. The chocolate, raisin, and strawberry are all more obvious and cherry, plum, and grape join the fray as well. Some hops come through to balance-out the malt and fruit sweetness nicely.

Mouthfeel - Malty and hoppy aftertaste with some coffee notes to end the story.

Drinkability - This is a great barleywine (one of my favs). It isn't as good as Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot, but I'd buy it again and I am definitely happy I decided to age it.

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