Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mike's Beer of the Week

Beer Information
Brewery: Founders Brewing Company
Beer Name: Blushing Monk
Beer Style: Fruit Beer
Abv.: 12.3%
Serving Glassware: Tulip, Flute, Wine Glass
Serving Temp.: 40-45 deg. F. (
Local Availability: Very limited (found mine at T&V)
Pairings: Dessert (Vanilla Ice Cream, Cheese Cake)
Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade/Rate: A+/4.58
Aroma: 5
Taste: 4.5
Mouthfeel: 4.5
Drinkability: 4.5
BeerAdvocate Avg. Rate: A-/4.15

Mike's Description
Thanks to Steve for enjoying and splitting the cost of this rare beer with me in Cape Cod (the reason I was not able to make an entry last wednesday)!  This may be the only time I ever try this beer due to its rarity and expensive price (~$18).

Appearance- It appears similar to cranberry juice, but carbonated. 1/4" pink head dissipates quickly leaving faint lacing on the wine glass.

Aroma- Pure raspberries...the smell makes me a little uneasy about its potential sweetness...hopefully not jolly rancher juice. Zero hop presentation and slightly malty. Some cherry is present here as well.

Taste- Fantastic...if a raspberry beer is what you're looking for. Not as sweet as it smells, but definitely a sweet beer. Since the sweetness does not drown out the other characteristics as I thought it might, the complex Belgian notes can be deciphered. Some cotton candy and cherry are here too.

Mouthfeel- The raspberry lingers in the aftertaste along with a minute cherry character. Not too strong like most fruited beverages and the alcohol is completely masked.

Drinkability- Great beer if a steeped raspberry character is what you're searching for...not at all overdone. If you prefer a Lindemans extremely sweet and syrupy beer, this one is probably not for you.

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