Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mike's Beer of the Week

Beer Information
Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Beer Name: 120 Minute
Beer Style: Imperial IPA
Abv.: 18%
Serving Glassware: Tulip, Pint, Snifter
Serving Temp.: 50-55 deg. F. (
Local Availability: N/A
Pairings: Dessert (Angel Cake, Blueberry Pie)
Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade/Rate: A/4.5
Aroma: 4.5
Taste: 4.5
Mouthfeel: 4.5
Drinkability: 4.5
BeerAdvocate Avg. Rate: B+/3.86

Mike's Description
2011 Poured into a Chimay Chalice

Appearance - Burnt orange/slightly brownish/amber earthy tones. About a half inch of head that fades very fast leaving slight lace on the chalice. Nice caution sign logo on the cap.

Aroma - Smells strongly of hops, alcohol, and honey primarily. A lot of malt is there and some fruits are present as well such as raisins and honeydew.

Taste - The hops are definitely there...I mean "continually hopped over a 120 minute boil" and "dry-hopped everyday for a month"'re going to taste hops. Surprisingly, I had much hoppier beers...I don't want to say the hops are weak, but there are many other things I taste in the forefront aside from hops such as ALCOHOL and honey. At 18% abv., no amount of hops will defeat the alcohol. Some other minute flavors as well such as the aforementioned fruits.

Mouthfeel - Again, surprisingly for what I would consider a triple ipa (even though it says double), there are pretty much no hops in the aftertaste...they barely linger whatsoever. The honey and fruit sweetness, however, are what tarry in the mouth. The alcohol lasts as well.

Drinkability - This is a fantastic beer. Well worth the price and the wait. As far as what everyone says..."it does not at all resemble 60 or 90 minute"...pretty true. Surprisingly this beer is much less hop-forward than even the 60 minute, never mind the 90 minute, and it is also much sweeter and has way more of a noticeable alcohol character. I have also heard about as many positive reviews as I have negative. I have a feeling that many of the negative reviews are due to the fact that most expect it to be a hop-bomb that completely blows away 90 minute ipa...this is far from the case, but it is definitely a great beer that it worthy of the hype...I just wish it was easier to access. If I had to compare this to another beer in terms of similarities...none really come to mind, but this beer is more similar to a Belgian Tripel or even a Barleywine (sweeter styles)...definitely not comparable to any other DIPAs. This beer is closer to mead than a DIPA in my opinion.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mike's Beer of the Week

Beer Information
Brewery: Founders Brewing Company
Beer Name: Blushing Monk
Beer Style: Fruit Beer
Abv.: 12.3%
Serving Glassware: Tulip, Flute, Wine Glass
Serving Temp.: 40-45 deg. F. (
Local Availability: Very limited (found mine at T&V)
Pairings: Dessert (Vanilla Ice Cream, Cheese Cake)
Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade/Rate: A+/4.58
Aroma: 5
Taste: 4.5
Mouthfeel: 4.5
Drinkability: 4.5
BeerAdvocate Avg. Rate: A-/4.15

Mike's Description
Thanks to Steve for enjoying and splitting the cost of this rare beer with me in Cape Cod (the reason I was not able to make an entry last wednesday)!  This may be the only time I ever try this beer due to its rarity and expensive price (~$18).

Appearance- It appears similar to cranberry juice, but carbonated. 1/4" pink head dissipates quickly leaving faint lacing on the wine glass.

Aroma- Pure raspberries...the smell makes me a little uneasy about its potential sweetness...hopefully not jolly rancher juice. Zero hop presentation and slightly malty. Some cherry is present here as well.

Taste- Fantastic...if a raspberry beer is what you're looking for. Not as sweet as it smells, but definitely a sweet beer. Since the sweetness does not drown out the other characteristics as I thought it might, the complex Belgian notes can be deciphered. Some cotton candy and cherry are here too.

Mouthfeel- The raspberry lingers in the aftertaste along with a minute cherry character. Not too strong like most fruited beverages and the alcohol is completely masked.

Drinkability- Great beer if a steeped raspberry character is what you're searching for...not at all overdone. If you prefer a Lindemans extremely sweet and syrupy beer, this one is probably not for you.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mike's Beer of the Week

Beer Information
Brewery: Berkshire Brewing Company
Beer Name: Shabadoo
Beer Style: Black and Tan
Abv.: 6.3%
Serving Glassware: Pint
Serving Temp.: 45-50 deg. F. (
Local Availability: Table and Vine
Pairings: BBQ/Smoked food
Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade/Rate: B+/4
Aroma: 4
Taste: 4
Mouthfeel: 4
Drinkability: 4
BeerAdvocate Avg. Rate: B+/3.88

Mike's Description
Poured from a 22 ounce bomber into a BBC true pint glass.

Appearance - Pours 1.5" head that is khaki colored with wisps of lacing prevalent on the glass. A translucent dark brown brew with a slight amber tone. Love the name.

Aroma - Coffee and licorice are the first wisps that come through followed by bourbon and dark chocolate. Not at all hop-forward, but smells like it will be a malty beer. Some smokey aromas as well.

Taste - The bourbon is less prevalent in this aspect, but the strong malt character ambushes. The smoky character is more noticeable here as well. Some dark chocolate and licorice in the aftertaste. 

Mouthfeel - The slight bourbon and smokey elements remain on the tongue for awhile. Full-bodied, but not viscous...some Drayman's Porter character. Slight caramel notes as well.

Drinkability - Yet another great beer from the BBC line-up. Very happy that they are local and I can enjoy these great beers fresh. This is a blend of the Drayman's Porter and the Berkshire Ale...any combination of their solid beers is a winner in my book.