Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mike's Beer of the Week

Beer Information
Brewery: Dogfish Head Brewing Company
Beer Name: World Wide Stout
Beer Style: Imperial Stout
Abv.: 18%
Serving Glassware: Pint, Snifter
Serving Temp.: 50-55 deg. F. (
Local Availability: Most places (good ole T&V)
Pairings: BBQ! Burgers or steak (something manly!)
Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade/Rate: A+/4.65
Aroma: 5
Taste: 4.5
Mouthfeel: 5
Drinkability: 4.5
BeerAdvocate Avg. Rate: A-/4.09

Mike's Description
Had this on-tap at the American Craft Brewfest (reviewed from notes). Poured into 2 oz. sampling cup.

Appearance - Dark brown stout that resembles a coffee-like porter. Tan head with little retention (due to sampling cup size).

Aroma - Due to the fact that it was pumped through coffee beans, it smells!...And alcohol...lots of alcohol...Damn. Good. Stuff.

Taste - Again, lots and lots of coffee and some stouty chocolate flavors come through. The alcohol is, again, dominant, but the coffee attempts to cover it up...somewhat successfully. Extremely tasty as a desert beer.

Mouthfeel - Very viscous just like syrup. Extremely full-bodied brew that kicks your mouth's ass... lets hope that your mouth doesn't have an ass to kick.

Drinkability - This is a fantastic and extremely over-the-top heavy beer and I love it. The thickness, strong coffee character, and INSANELY high alcohol content will whoop your ass! I am pretty sure it's not possible to have (or buy) more than one of these at a time because it will burn a hole in both your stomach and's like 9 bucks for a 12 oz bottle.

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