Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mike's Beer of the Week

Beer Information
Brewery: Berkshire Brewing Company
Beer Name: River Ale
Beer Style: American Dark Wheat Ale
Abv.: 7%
Serving Glassware: Pint, Stein, Hefeweizen Glass
Serving Temp.: 45-50 deg. F. (
Local Availability: Table and Vine, many places
Pairings: Barbecued Meat, Pie (cherry)
Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade/Rate: A-/4.22
Aroma: 4
Taste: 4.5
Mouthfeel: 4
Drinkability: 4
BeerAdvocate Avg. Rate: B+/3.88

Mike's Description
Had this both on-tap at BBC and in bombers. Both were fantastic, but my review is based on the 22 ounce bottle.

Appearance - Now I see what they mean by a "DARK wheat ale"...very dark indeed for a wheat beer. Similar in shade to a brown ale, but more greyish...I've never seen a beer this color before. I guess it resembles a scotch ale, but with less lively colors. Frothy inch-and-a-half darker head that complements the beer. Good level of lacing on the shaker pint be expected from BBC. Some sediment present obscuring the clarity which is typical for a wheat beer.

Aroma - The bready/biscuity aromas of a wheat beer are present, but there is also a musty/rustic feel to the esters.

Taste - Fantastic and perfectly representative of the style with added unexpected kicks. Tastes like a wheat beer (the usual spicy/bitter flavor), but loads and loads of malt to sweeten things up. In terms of fruity notes, I'm getting grapes and raisins mainly. On the sweeter side I'm picking up brown sugar and caramel.

Mouthfeel - Provides the spiciness that wheat beer-lovers crave. Medium to full-bodied beer that also satisfies the sweet tooth.

Drinkability - This is my favorite beer by BBC (the coffee house porter is a close second). The alcohol is detectable, but doesn't deter. I could easily down two of these bad boys in the springtime...and here I go!

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