Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mike's Beer of the Week

Beer Information
Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery (Delaware)
Beer Name: Aprihop
Beer Style: American IPA
Abv.: 7.0%
Serving Glassware: Tulip, Pint Glass
Serving Temp.: 45-50 deg. F. (
Local Availability: Table and Vine, Johnny Macs, Spirit Haus
Pairings: Chicken, Haddock, Shrimp, Lobster, Ice Cream
Mike's Ratings (1-5)
Overall Grade/Rate: B+/3.98
Appearance: 4.5
Aroma: 4
Taste: 4
Mouthfeel: 3.5
Drinkability: 4
BeerAdvocate Avg. Rate: B+/3.79

Mike's Description
Appearance - Reddish orange in color and crystal clear. Similar in appearance to Nugget Nectar. About a half inch of white head with a good amount of lacing on the over-sized wine glass. Decent head retention that nearly lasts throughout the experience.

Aroma - The fruit character, the apricots, play a dominate role in this facet. The hops are detectable, but with a fruit beer it is hard to get much in the aroma aside from the fruit itself.

Taste - Again, the apricots are dominant as the name suggests. The hops stand out more with this characteristic and pair nicely with the apricots. The hop bitterness and fruit sweetness are bittersweet. This beer is true to the name.

Mouthfeel - I didn't pick up a lot here. The apricots leave a pleasant aftertaste with some hop bitterness to satisfy the hopheads.

Drinkability - Overall this is a great spring beer that you can count on because it stays true to its name. It is pretty much a better #9...especially for the hopheads out there! With a fruit beer you don't really want too much at a time, so the 4-pk is perfect.

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